Why a maze?

The maze box is a game (ON/OFF switchable maze with two configurations) created for theme ON/OFF for GDevelop BIG Game Jam #4.

The original idea was a multiplayer space shooter in an ON/OFF maze, but I am not very good at network multiplayer, so I have created an ON/OFF maze, but not multiplayer space shooter. I have created single player ON/OFF maze with top-down movement (player moves with arrows - top-down, left-right), but there was no goal so I have created also the boss. The original idea for the boss was to create a room with four switches and switchable lasers/shooters. But this was very hard to create the lasers/shooters. So I have only copied the code from the ON/OFF maze before the boss and used it for the boss. I have added some on walls (walls visible only when switches are on), some off walls and maked boss try to avoid the walls (this was easy with GDevelop's pathfinding and random travel extensions). I have also maked the walls to hurt the boss. And only creating, crediting and downloading the assets left.

The music was created using Online Sequencer with the 8-Bit Square instrument.

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