Mistake Editor
A downloadable tool
The original game, Change Stability, is created by Jurkourko. Make sure to follow him on itch.io before continuing: 
Mistake Editor is an editor for the game Change Stability.
The latest version of the Mistake Editor is v1 "Green".
To use the editor, you need a JSON file with the object data of the game. The editor is not only for Change Stability, but for any Mistake-compatible game. I plan to create a Mistake-compatible remake of The Maze Box, but for now, the only known compatible game is Change Stability. Here is a list of JSON files for known games for every mistake version:
- v1 "Green"
How to use
After you have loaded the JSON file into the editor, you need to give your game a name, and then an id. The id must only contain alphanumeric characters. For example, when the game name is My Hack, the id can be MyHack, or myhack, or MYHACK, just something that consists only from alphanumeric characters and is unique for this one hack. After your game has a name and an id, you should see the start of the game rendered in the canvas on the top left. All objects in the game have their numbers. These numbers are used to move them, rotate them, duplicate them and to delete them. For example, if you want to move the first button to the very beginning, you should type it's number (72) into the input on the top, above the text saying "No Object". The text below the input should now say "Button" (because the number 72 belongs to a button). It's X position is 640 (you can see it in the table below the input). Change it to 200. You should see the new position of the button in the canvas. Then, it's a good idea to save your game, so you'll not lose your changes when you close or reload the page (yes, and web browsers crash sometimes). To do so, click the button with the icon below the canvas. Then, you also probably want to test your game. You should see the button with the
icon below the canvas, but it's disabled. The preview is not available in the v1 "Green" version, so we need to build our game. To do so, click the button with the
icon. This should download a zip file, with the same name as the id of our game. Then, you need the GDMod extension installed in your browser. If you're using Firefox, you can get it here. If you're using Edge, you can get it here. If you're using another browser (e.g. Chrome, Opera), refer to the GDMod Installation Instructions. After GDMod is installed, use it to install and enable the zip file downloaded from Mistake using the build button (refer to the GDMod Installation Instructions). MAKE SURE TO ENABLE THE MOD BEFORE YOU CLICK THE START BUTTON IN THE GAME. When you start the game, you should see your changes in the game! That's how to use the v1 "Green".
Full list of versions:
Status | In development |
Category | Tool |
Author | romw314 |
Links | Homepage |